Sinusitis, also referred to as rhinosinusitis, is an inflammation caused by bacteria or fungi infection of the sinus cavities. Usually, the nasal cavity becomes infected, swollen, and inflammation when you have sinusitis. Sinusitis has two broad categories. Acute sinusitis and chronic sinusitis. Acute sinusitis lasts for a short period, ideally less than a month.
Chronic sinusitis usually begins as acute sinusitis that keeps reoccurring. If the sinusitis lasts longer than twelve weeks, then it is categorized as chronic sinusitis. At this stage, the inflammation is accompanied by pains on the face, congestion in the nasal cavities, and nasal discharge that would be green in color.
Symptoms of sinusitis
1. Pain in the nasal cavities
Swelling and inflammation in the nasal cavity cause pain to the cavities and the face areas around the nose. The pain is accompanied by pressure in the ears. Headaches are also common symptoms of sinusitis.
2. Sore throat
Pain, irritation, and a feeling of scratchiness in your throat could be a sign of the sinusitis infection. It also feels that the glands in your neck are swollen and sore.
3. Nasal discharge
A cloudy or green discharge is a sign that you have an infection in your nasal cavities.
4. Facial tenderness and swelling
Sinusitis makes the area on your face around the face swell and gets tender. It is painful and uncomfortable, especially when removing the nasal discharge.
5. Fever
Due to the body’s infection, the body’s white blood cells work hard and faster to fight the infection. This leads to the body heating up and leads to a fever.
Treatment for the sinusitis
The acute sinusitis mostly gets better with time and finally heal. When it gets to the chronic level, there is a need to seek medical help. The following are the standard treatments for sinusitis.
1. Saline nasal drops or spray
A doctor prescribes them to help you thin the heavy nasal discharge in your nose.
2. Corticosteroids
The doctor prescribes them to prevent and treat inflammation in the nasal cavity, the ears, and throat.
3. Pain killers
Among other drugs, the doctor will prescribe pain killers to reduce pains caused by the infection. Some of the conditions that will require pain killers include headaches, pain in the throat, pain in the gums, and pain in the nasal cavities. They are also available over the counter, which means that it is always the fort option to take when one realizes that they have sinusitis.
4. Decongestants
They are drugs that help you decongest your nasal cavity. The sinusitis causes the blockage of the nasal cavity due to the discharge in the nose. Decongestants help you unblock the congested and stuffy nose.
5. Antibiotics
These are drugs that stop the growth of microorganisms in the body. Sinusitis is caused by bacteria and needs antibiotics to kill the growth of the sinusitis, causing bacteria.
Bottom line
Though sinusitis is not a life-threatening disease, you should always seek medical attention when it goes on for over a month. You should also pay attention to Chronic sinusitis to know the cause of the re-occurrence. See us at Allergy, Asthma & Sinus Center, P.C.