5 Common Allergies
Peanut allergies are one of the most common types of allergies, which people often overcome once they reach adulthood. According to studies, less than 1 percent of people suffer from peanut allergies, which commonly will cause near-fatal reactions. Although peanut allergies only affect a small percentage of people, they are considered more deadly than any other food allergy. In the past decade, we have seen a 1.4 increase in peanut allergies. Despite its name, a peanut isn’t a nut at all, it’s actually part of the lentil family. Nuts grow on trees, but peanuts grow in pods. Peanuts can be found in a variety of unlikely foods, which include cereals, cookies, and salad dressings. Nearly 20 percent of people who suffer from peanut allergies outgrow them. Most people who suffer from peanut allergies will have a parent or sibling who also suffers from the same allergy.
Symptoms of Peanut Allergies:
Tightness in Throat
Studies have shown that as many as 2 out of every 100 children suffer from dairy allergies, which is especially common in babies. For those who suffer from dairy allergies, symptoms can either occur instantly or hours afterward. Milk allergies occur when the body overreacts to milk proteins, which has an inflammatory effect on the body’s cells. Milk contains over 20 different proteins, all of which react differently. Similar to those who suffer from peanut allergies, many outgrow these allergies before they reach adulthood. If you do suffer from dairy allergies, there are many milk-free substitutes.
Symptoms of Milk Allergies:
Upset Stomach
Difficulty Breathing
Unlike peanut and dairy allergies, which many will outgrow, shellfish allergies are a different story. Nearly 70 percent of people who suffer from shellfish allergies will experience an allergic reaction as adults, which can range from severe to life-threatening. Examples of shellfish include lobster, shrimp, and crab, along with anything that belongs to the mollusk family. However, many can eat crab, yet be allergic to lobster. Shellfish allergies are vastly complicated and hard to detect.
Symptoms of Shellfish Allergies:
Difficulty Breathing
Pet Dander
One thing we all can agree on is kittens and puppies are adorable, but sadly, there are millions of people allergic to these precious creatures. Oftentimes, pet dander allergies can be managed through allergy shots, nasal sprays, and medications. Most people assume these allergies are caused by the animal’s hair, but the real culprit is their dander. This dander flows around freely and clings to walls, furniture, and clothing.
Symptoms of Pet Dander Allergies:
Runny Nose
Nasal Congestion
Difficulty Breathing
Dust Mites
A majority of people have no idea what dust mites actually are, which are arachnids. Arachnids are in the same class as spiders, scorpions, and ticks. The two most common pieces of dust mites include the North American house dust mite and European house dust mite. The easiest way to rid your home of dust mites is by washing your linens and clothing. You may also want to consider investing in a mattress protector. If you suffer from asthma or breathing difficulties, dust mites can lead to severe health complications.
Symptoms of Dust Mite Allergies:
Runny Nose
Watery Eyes