What are food allergies? The answer may surprise you. A food allergy is an allergic reaction to one or more types of foods. Most common food allergies involve the reaction to peanuts, shellfish, cow’s milk and eggs.
Symptoms of these foods can be severe enough to interfere with your normal routine. If you have any type of food allergy, you may develop hives, breathing problems, diarrhea or vomiting. Some people may experience swelling of the lips, throat, tongue or mouth. In more severe cases, serious complications such as anaphylactic shock can occur.
Allergic reactions to foods can result in an adverse effect on the cardiovascular system, as well. When you suffer from a food allergy, you are more likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke. This is because your immune system has been weakened. This weakens the function of the cardiovascular system. If you have a family history of heart problems or high blood pressure, you are at greater risk for developing food allergies.
What are shellfish allergies? Like peanut and cow’s milk allergies, shellfish allergies can cause serious symptoms. People with shellfish allergies often develop breathing difficulties, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or stomach cramps. Fish scratchings can bring about blisters on the lips, face and neck.
What are peanut allergies? If you have peanut allergies, you can be forced to eat foods that don’t contain this protein. Peanuts are found in peanut butter, chocolate and many foods. Although anaphylactic shock can sometimes occur with these proteins, in most cases, your body will build up an immunity to the proteins and no anaphylactic shock will occur. Peanut allergies often result in eczema and asthma.
What are food allergies? These types of allergic reactions can be very serious, especially when it comes to the development of food intolerance. When you develop an intolerance to one or more common foods, your body doesn’t make the enzymes that are needed to process these foods properly, so you feel poorly and can develop serious health problems.
What are shellfish allergies? Although shellfish such as shrimp and oysters are generally considered delicate, they can also cause serious health issues if you have a problem with them. They contain toxins that your body needs to function properly. Most shellfish allergies can also be traced to eating an inappropriate diet that includes shellfish. For example, if you eat lots of shrimp and fatty fish but take clams and oysters, you can have a shellfish allergy.
What are tree nuts? Tree nuts such as walnuts, cashews and almonds are considered dietary necessities. However, a few people do have an intolerance to tree nuts, which can result in severe symptoms if the tree nuts are ingested. Most likely, your intolerance to walnuts, cashew nuts and almonds are due to your sensitivity to the chemicals that are found in walnuts, cashew nuts and almonds.
What are food allergies? Food allergy may also involve your digestive tract. Intolerance to certain food can cause an adverse reaction in your gastrointestinal tract. When this happens, your body will have trouble absorbing nutrients in your intestines, causing malnutrition and poor resistance to other diseases. Food allergy may also involve the skin and mouth.